Sunday 24 June 2012

Adventurer Investiture

                                                                             Chapter 1
When I woke up on Saturday morning, June 23rd 2012, I went to my closet and looked for my trousers and Adventurer shirt.
this is me and my brother 7:45 Am
me and Kingsley 7:42 Am
Then I got my sash and scarf and then I brushed my teeth and changed into my Adventurer clothes  and I went down stairs to eat breakfast.When I had finished I went to get my sash from upstairs. I came downstairs and put on my sash.                                                                                                                                
Chapter  2 
I went to get my shoes. When I got them I put them on then I went to the car and sat down.
  I asked dad if he would take a picture of me he said ok but we need to hurry so we can go so he took a picture of me and my family.

 When we were at church I went downstairs in my Adventurer clothes excited to meet the other Adventurers then we practiced everything and then went upstairs and sat down on the pew. We watched a slideshow of us. Then we walked onto the podium. We sang the song, we did the pledge and the law and then our leader gave us our badges.We shacked Mr.Leroy's hand to.Then are part of the day was nearly done.
                      Chapter 3 


  1. Colin, well done for completing the Adventurers' Sunbeam class. This is a great achievement and we are proud of you. Keep up the good works.
